PhilaTerra - Pour une économie Juste
The first project of Cap Amitié (Philaterra) was the establishment of a tourism school in the Dominican Republic.
In order to guarantee its continuity, Cap Amitié has set up this project on a business model close to a company in order to ensure its future financing.
This project began to appear on paper in April 2004 (creation of Cap Amitié). Less than 4 years later, with a budget of CHF 160’000.-:
- School runs without outside help
- Some 900 students receive a vocational diploma each year giving them access to work
- Courses are free for all and funded with local activities
- The school management seeks and finds solutions to enlarge the structure and be able to accommodate other students.
- A dynamic is created, and the school can grow thanks to the lucrative activities that surround it (cyber café, courses of Spanish to the tourists, organisation of seminars, etc …)

In 2010, Cap Amitié becomes PhilaTerra
In 2013, Philaterra is installing solar panels on the roof of the school to ensure the autonomy of the school’s own electricity. Local management can thus increase the number of class with cost savings.